Letter A: Displaying 401 - 420 of 2513
Orthographic Variants: 

to dye something a red rust color (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to mix red rust with other colors (see Molina)


red rust, either whole or in pieces before being ground (see Molina)

1. to rinse a lot of clothes. 2. to dip oneʻs food in broth.
to dip s.o.ʻs food in broth for them.
dip oneʻs food in broth.
root of ĀCHOCHOMOTZOĀ. s.t. soaked.

the spot where the water is released to fill the agricultural furrows; this noun may have a role in the place name for Cholollan (contemporary Cholula, Puebla)
Federico Fernández Christlieb and ‎Angel Julián García Zambrano, Territorialidad y paisaje en el altepetl del siglo XVI (2006), 315.

to soak s.t. in water.
# Nic/nimo. Una persona mete una cosa, un alguien o un animal domestico, en el agua porque quiere que se empape. “Karla mete sus zapatos porque quiere que se ablanden y despues lavarlos”.
spoiled fruit that becomes watery.
for spoiled fruit to become watery.
# una fruta que se madura en su árbol se cae en el suelo y se echa a perder. “en frente de mi casa esta maduro naranja reina y se caen, empiezan a provocar moscas porque se ponen aguado”.

great-grandmother (an unusual word, see Lockhart)

at what time? when?
Daniel Garrison Brinton, Ancient Nahuatl Poetry: Containing the Nahuatl Text of XXVII Ancient Mexican Poems (1887), 149.

Orthographic Variants: 

a seed (see Karttunen), gourd seed or squash seed (see attestations)

a type of gourd seed
Orthographic Variants: 

elder brother (from the point of view of a younger sister) (see Karttunen)


first, firstly (see Molina et al)

1. to finish doing s.t. or to go someplace before s.o. else does. 2. to do s.t. or to go someplace, in order to do s.t. else or to go someplace else afterward. 3. to be the first born of a family.
to have s.o. get a head start on some activity.
A. nimo. persona que se adenlante cuando espera una cosa. “cuando manuel va al biale se adelanta con las muchachas para bailar.”
to be born the first born among one’s siblings.
A. ni. una persona nace antes que los demas.”sabina nacio antes que su hermana menor.”