Letter A: Displaying 361 - 380 of 2512
Orthographic Variants: 

something illicit that should not be done

for a woman who is grinding to use a bowl with water to wash her hands frequently.

to wash one's hands while grinding maize (see Karttunen)


to have one's hands washed while grinding maize

a light orange color. See ĀCHĪLCŌZTIC.
light orange color.

an herb used in a remedy for foot injuries
Martín de la Cruz, Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis; manuscrito azteca de 1552; segun traducción latina de Juan Badiano; versión española con estudios comentarios por diversos autores (Mexico: Fondo de Cultural Económica; Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, 1991), 53 [37r.].

an herb that grows in potable water (see Molina)

a little further away.

almost the same thing, or they look alike

unground achiote seeds (a food seasoning and colorant)
Frances F. Berdan and Patricia Rieff Anawalt, The Codex Mendoza, 1992, v. 1, p. 168.


a tree from the seeds of which is made a paste used as a seasoning and for coloring things orange (see Karttunen)



1. bleached (color). 2. the color of fruit that has been picked before ripening. 3. the color of hands or feet that have been submerged in water for a long time.

pure, clean water (see Siméon)


a very little bit

1. for water to drip from wet clothing. 2. for water to drip from a wet person.
A. ropa mojada que cae el agua en el suelo cuando la cuelgan. La ropa de carla gotea mucho por que cuando lo lavo no lo exprimio. Ni. Persona que gotae de agua cuando esta mojado. “Mi hijo cuando gotea adentro me enojo mucho por que moja todo”.
to sprinkle water.