Letter Z: Displaying 261 - 280 of 628
Orthographic Variants: 
ça yuhquin concacauhtoc, za yuhquin concacauhtoc, ça iuhqui concacauhtoc, çan yiuhquin concacauhtoc

to be in agony and about to expire

Orthographic Variants: 
çan quemman, çan quemmach, çan yuian, çan icemelh, çan tlamach, çan yulic, zan yolic (?)

step by step, little by little, gently

Orthographic Variants: 
çanjust, only, merely, but

just, only, merely,=; but çan no: just
e.g. amo tlatla, zan quintocaya = they were not burning them, but they were burying them (in the sense of sino, in Spanish)
Robert Haskett and Stephanie Wood's notes from Nahuatl sessions with James Lockhart and subsequent research.

only, just.
Orthographic Variants: 
zancē, zan ce

only one (see Karttunen); literally, zan ce (just one) (SW)

“Cuando nos reúnen las mujeres nos tardamos mucho porque no tenemos la misma palabra.
# Personas, animales silvestres, animales domésticos u otros animales se han reunido. “Luis con Pedro juntos o algunas cosas se han jutado.”
to use two things at the same time.
to gather people, animals or things.
# Persona, animal silvestre y animal domestico los reúne a otros u otras cosas que están por separado. "Ricardo corto mucha naranja y ahora los reúne para ir a vender."
to gather people, animals or things together.
# Persona que reúne otras cosas, animales silvestres, animales domésticos o nada más algunas cosas en algún lado. “Beto reúne sus toros para que se embaracen”

adobe brick maker or worker

Orthographic Variants: 
çanqualli, zanqualli, zan cualli, zan qualli, çan qualli, çan cualli

something little or medium-sized, or something small

s.t. that fits s.o. perfectly.
normal size person, animal or object.
normal size persons, animals or objects.
Orthographic Variants: 

just a moment; frequently (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

certainly or truly (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
çanen, çane

in vain