Letter X: Displaying 641 - 660 of 1050
Orthographic Variants: 

flower garden

Orthographic Variants: 

a walled garden

This indigenous community appears in a Relación Geográfica in a region that is now part of Mexican state of Morelos.

Matrícula de Tributos (Tribute Roll), Digital World Library, http://www.wdl.org/en/item/3248/pages.html#volume/1/page/5.

Orthographic Variants: 

to cut flowers or roses

Orthographic Variants: 

to utter witticisms and bons mots; to make people laugh (see Karttunen)

clothing with a flower design.
# una cosa tela u otra cosa que tiene muchas flores encima. “la nahua de mi mama tiene muchas flores porque ella le gusta vestirse asi.”

with flowers (see Sullivan)

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchitl, suchitl, chochitl, juchi

flower(s); also, a day sign/calendrical marker; also, the name of a person (can be either female or male); in the combining form, can mean attractive (e.g., xochitenqui, xochitlantli, see links below)

Orthographic Variants: 
xōchitlah, xuchitla

flower garden (see Karttunen)

a person's name (gender not made clear)

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchitlaqua, xochitlaqua

to be a glutton; to eat sweets (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
xuchitlaqualiztli, xochitlaqualiztli

gluttony; or, a very pleasurable, generally sweet food; something more for pleasure than for utility (see Molina)

to place flower offerings on s.o.’s body or altar.
# Persona le pone flores cerca una cosa o alguien que esta muerto. “Araceli cada año le deja flores a su abuela porque no la pueden olvidar.”
for a shaman to offer flower arrangements, food and paper cuttings of deities on the altar.
# El curandero adorna en el altar: pone recortes y por separado copia a nuestro gran señor nuestra gran señora y dos pares de hijos. Muchos tipos de comida, flor de muerto adornado con el coyol. Después empieza a rezar mucho para que lo escuchen todos los dioses. “Andrés curandero de Cruz Blanca personas dicen que el va adornar el de coyol, yo creo que yo voy a ir a verlo porque quiero hablar con el”
Orthographic Variants: 

a flower field (see Molina)

1. nahua profession that is in charge of various ceremonies, including “tlatlacualtiah.” 2. person who customarily lays flowers in a church or before an altar in order to give thanks for a good harvest.

good looking teeth (see attestations)

Orthographic Variants: 

a garland of flowers (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

perfumes made from many different scents (see Molina)