Letter M: Displaying 301 - 320 of 2865

for the water to make waves (see Molina)

1. crooked hands, or a hand that is crooked in different places. 2. crooked branches.
Orthographic Variants: 

let it be that … , on with … (a compound introductory particle for clauses expressing strong wishes and exhortations) (see Karttunen)


to bring down the tree branch to get things from it; or, to twist one's hand or fling it out; or, to twist the hand or arm of another person (see Molina)

for a tree branch to bend down, either before the wind or because it is heavy with fruit.
to twist s.o.’s hand.
Orthographic Variants: 

elbow (see Karttunen)

person or animal with a crooked or twisted hand.
# NI. Una persona, animal silvestre y animal domestico que no puede usar su mano porque está doblado. “Mi hermano se quedo chueca de la mano porque se le quebró y no se curó”.
Orthographic Variants: 

to recoup one’s losses, to get square; to return, restore something (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

someone lacking strength in an arm, someone with a withered arm (see Karttunen)


a certain type of bracelet (see Molina)

the skin of a person or a animal’s hand.
Orthographic Variants: 

to bedeck something with a bracelet (see Karttunen)


a bracelet with precious stones, perhaps originally for dolls (see Molina); also a person's name

Orthographic Variants: 

to grasp something, to take something in one’s hand (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to baptize someone (see Karttunen)

1. for something to fit in one’s hand or on one’s wrist or finger. 2. to pull a plant up by the roots.
# 1. nech. Una cosa si cabe bien en la mano o en el dedo de una persona. “Aquel naranja no cabe en mi mano porque está muy grande”. 2. nic. Una persona arranca una hierba que está chiquito y no sirve, saca con toda la raíz. “Diego arranca tlancuaboboto la que está seca en la raíz de los elotes”.
wrinkled skin of the hand.
# La mano una persona se arruga. “La piel de mi abuela María, esta arrugada porque ya es muy viejita”.

a deity; "Five House -- one of the Macuiltonaleque, the "youthful solar deities of sensual and esthetic pursuits"

Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan, et al. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 120.


in five places (see Molina, who surely intended partes in lieu of pares)