Letter T: Displaying 13041 - 13060 of 13445

a bit of something (see Karttunen)


a morsel, bit of something (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

chilacayote, a soft squash (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to cut something off for someone (see Karttunen)

to pinch s.o. or an animal.
#Nic. Una persona le jala y le aprieta un poco de piel a alguien o un animal domestico. “Martín pellizca su hermano menor porque juega mucho con las niñas”.
for clothing to shrink.
a narrow article of clothing, sack or bag.
a narrow article of clothing, sack or bag.
small person, animal or thing.
Orthographic Variants: 
tziqui, tziquitl, tziquitzin

a little bit, just a little; when combined with a noun, this becomes an adjective; if the first syllable is doubled, the result is even more diminutive (see attestations)

appelative of endearment for a child.

to swarm; to fit something tightly through a small hole (see Molina); or, to stuff something tight, to compress something in a container (see Karttunen)

to be in the midst of a swarm (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to sting someone with stinging nettles (see Molina); to punish someone by stinging him with nettles (see Karttunen)

s.t. fermented.
# Una cosa dulce echada a perder, se hace agrio y amargo. “Mis familiares cuando muelen siempre dejan un poco de agua de caña en un paila porque quieren que se haga en vino”.

to punish, correct, or arrest someone (see Molina)


nettle(s) (see Molina and Karttunen)

to swell from brushing against stinging nettle (see Molina)