
(a loanword from Spanish)

Principal English Translation: 

advocate, intercessor

Attestations from sources in English: 

yhuan No yechuatzitzin NoAbogado niqimotlatlahutilia yhua Pablo yhua NotlasoAngl de la Guarda Nopanpa qimotlatlahutzilisq̄
yo Jexpto para NechMotlapopolhuis in NotlatlaCol ihuan NechmoMaquilis Gloria yhuan ilhuiCac papaqilistli Amen. = “And I also implore as my advocate lord San Pedro and the lord San Pablo and my precious guardian angel to pray on my behalf to our lord Jesus Christ to pardon me my sins and give me glory and heavenly rejoicing. Amen” (Pizzigoni ed. 2007: 207).[will (TT 78); time range: 1712]
Loans in Colonial and Modern Nahuatl, eds. Agnieszka Brylak, Julia Madajczak, Justyna Olko, and John Sullivan, Trends in Linguistics Documentation 35 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 63.