
Principal English Translation: 

a flowery ritual bib (quemitl); also, the name of an interim ruler of Mexico-Tenochtitlan (1532–36), don Pablo Xochiquen

Orthographic Variants: 
Attestations from sources in English: 

Don pablo, xochiquen ic matlactli omej tlatocat in tenochtitlan: exiujtl = Don Pablo Xochiquen was thirteenth, and he ruled Tenochtitlan three years. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain; Book 8 -- Kings and Lords, no. 14, Part IX, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble (Santa Fe and Salt Lake City: School of American Research and the University of Utah, 1951), 4.

i. tecpatl xihuitl. 1532. años. ypan in oquauhtlahto yn Don Pablo xochiquentzin = The year One Flint, 1532. At this time don Pablo Xochiquentzin was interim ruler. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Codex Chimalpahin: Society and Politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Culhuacan, and Other Nahuatl Altepetl in Central Mexico; The Nahuatl and Spanish Annals and Accounts Collected and Recorded by don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), vol. 1, 170–171.

ynic cenpohuallomey ytoca Don Pablo xochiquẽtzin = the 23rd was named don Pablo Xochiquentzin (central Mexico, 1608–1609?)
Annals of His Time: Don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, James Lockhart, Susan Schroeder, and Doris Namala, eds. and transl. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006), 146–7.

yz ca ymach i yaotl ayao moquatequia ytoca xochique = Here is the nephew of Yaotl, not yet baptized, named Xochiquen. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
The Book of Tributes: Early Sixteenth-Century Nahuatl Censuses from Morelos, ed. and transl. S. L. Cline, (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1993), 110–111.

Xochiquen also appears as a name in the Matrícula de Huexotzinco. It has been included in the digital collection, the Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs. https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcwdl.wdl_15282/?sp=154&st=image, https://aztecglyphs.wired-humanities.org/content/xochiquen-mh537v

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

Xochiquentzin (Pablo): Literalmente es "El de vestido florido". Aquí aparece una flor como única signo de su nombre, pero en el Florentino lo es una manta con diseño de flores rojas Víctor M. Castillo F., "Relación Tepepulca de los señores de México Tenochtitlan y de Acolhuacan," Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 11 (1974), 183–225, y ver la pág. 191.