Letter E: Displaying 421 - 440 of 544

to pick beans by hand or with a knife (see Molina)

to cut (harvest) beans.
A. ni. Una persona corta frijol en su milpa. “Jorge ayer cortó frijol en la milpa de Martín”. B. cortar frijol.
to harvest s.o.’s beans.
# niqu. Una persona le corta el fríjol por pieza a alguien donde hay.” Mi hermano corta el fríjol de aquel abuelito porque mañana va ir en una grande plaza a vender”.

the act of picking beans, or lima beans by hand or with a knife (see Molina)

someone who picks beans with his or her hands or using a knife (see Molina)


a bean or lima bean dough or paste (see Molina)

to become heavy (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
hetic, yetic

something heavy; sometimes refers to bodily sluggishness, illness

James Lockhart, Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts (Stanford: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Studies, 2001), 217.

the weight of a person, animal or thing.
Orthographic Variants: 
heticapol, heticapul, eticapul

one who walks with difficulty (see attestations)

Orthographic Variants: 

to be heavy for someone, or to tire someone with a very heavy load (see Molina)


to be heavy for someone, or to tire someone with a very heavy load (see Molina)

for a sleeping, drunk or dead person’s body to become limp and heavy.
# nimo. Se debilita el cuerpo de una persona y se hace más pesado cuando está dormido, borracho o muerto. “El bebé cuando se duerme se hace muy pesado y se cansa uno cuando los abrazamos”.

for something to become heavy; or, to put upon oneself something very heavy (see Molina)

a type of corn cake.

to become heavy (see Karttunen)

to become heavy.
A.se hace pesado. “Aquel ganado está pesado porque está embarazada”. B. se Hace pesado.