Letter A: Displaying 2361 - 2380 of 2512
Orthographic Variants: 

to do something (see Karttunen)

root of TLĀYI. to do s.t.
expression of pain or fright.
Orthographic Variants: 

causative of ay(i), to do something (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

something liquid, such as wine or honey; or, someone who has been corrected and scolded (see Molina)

the juice or broth of a food.

interjection, to call someone

Orthographic Variants: 
ayoa tlaqualloa, ayohua tlaqualohua, youa tlaqualoua

to put on a banquet or function to celebrate a wedding (see Molina)

a very great abundance of riches and property (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
ayoc nipinaua

to have already lost one's shame (see Molina)

one who is insensitive (see Molina)

no longer present, no longer appearing (see Molina)


turtle shell, tortoise shell (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

with difficulty, or just barely (see Molina)

already from nowhere (see Molina)

for a wet person, animal or thing to drip.
#gotear. También AYOCHOCHOPICA. ni. persona, animal salvaje, animal domestico y cosas mojadas gotean. “mi mama lavo rápido y tendió enfrente de la casa ahora gotea la ropa porque no lo exprimió bien.”
for a wet person, animal or thing to drip.
# gotear. También AYOCHICHIPICA. ni. persona, animal salvaje, animal domestico y cosas mojadas gotean. “mi mama lavo rápido y tendió enfrente de la casa ahora gotea la ropa porque no lo exprimió bien.”

to be provoking, to be incorrigible (see Molina, who puts this example in the first person singular)